Member Showcase: Julie Endl

by | Sep 9, 2020 | Member Showcase

This is the first in our FOCUS Coworking Members Showcase Videos. In this series we interview our members to learn more about them, and their entrepreneurial journey. 

Julie Endl is one of the co-founders of FOCUS Coworking. Julie is a multipassionate entreprenuer. Julie started Wild For Wellness health coaching and Lucky Penny Coffee, a mobile coffee trailer. We talk with Julie about her entrepreneurial journey.

Julie is drawn to entrepenuership to meet the needs that she sees and to also generate some extra money on the side.

Connect With Julie

Lucky Penny Coffee On Facebook

Lucky Penny Coffee On Instagram

Lucky Penny Coffee Website

Wild For Wellness Facebook

Member Showcase Transcription

Damon Schopen
Hello, this is Damon with FOCUS Coworking, and this is going to be the first of our members showcase interviews we’re going to do with our members of FOCUS Coworking, we wanted to do a couple of things, allow you to get to know some of the members here at FOCUS Coworking and also showcase and highlight our members so that they can get a little more promotion and exposure as well. So today I am with Julie Endl and she is not only a member, but one of the co-owners of FOCUS Coworking.

Damon Schopen
And I should just explain quick what FOCUS Coworking is. We are a shared office space and community for small businesses, freelancers, entrepreneurs, other business professionals. And we have private offices, shared space meeting rooms and all sorts of resources for your business so that you can just come in, get your work done and not worry about utility bills or getting the Wi-Fi installed or any of that other stuff. So if you are interested, come take a tour we can do a virtual tour as well, if you’d like to do that.

Damon Schopen
And yeah, now will. Start with Julie here, so, Julie, tell us about your business and how you got your start.

Julie Endl
Well, as you well know, Damon, I’m a multi passionate entrepreneur, right, so I started out kind of my entrepreneurial, I guess you’d say, muscle when I was really young, like I was always thinking about ways that I could I did a lemonade stand who hasn’t done a lemonade stand? I had a paper route like I was always trying to like always earn a little extra money, but also provide a need. Right. So I’ve always been really passionate about health and wellness.

Julie Endl
And so I became a health coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2013. I graduated from that. And most recently, our new project is to start a mobile coffee trailer. And that business is going to be launching here in the fall called Lucky Penny Coffee. So my coaching business is called Wild for Wellness and then Lucky Penny Coffee. And then I also am part of FOCUS Coworking.

Julie Endl
So there’s a lot passionate piece in my life.

Damon Schopen
Yeah, absolutely. That’s great. Yeah. Tell us more about your coaching business. First of all, how do you help people there? How did you get into that?

Julie Endl
Well, it started with my own journey, right. I had been really thinking about my mom has had some major health issues as far as heart related surgeries and things. And I’ve kind of always followed in her physical footsteps.

Julie Endl
I guess you’d say and that genealogy has just been kind of one of those things that I’ve been concerned about and making sure that I’m living better, longer. And so I started with the decision to get healthier and it just kind of blossomed in the people asking me, what are you doing? Can I do it, too? And I’ve always had a natural kind of gift for coaching other people and motivating people and just.

Julie Endl
I thought this would be a great fit and it turns out it is, and so it’s been amazing and it’s been a lot of fun to see people have gains and just see them make these transformations that are just so positive. And yeah, so that’s what it’s all about.

Damon Schopen
Very cool. And I can definitely attest to your abilities to coach and help other people because within our FOCUS mastermind that we’ve been doing for five or six years now, I would say you always have such great insights for everybody who participates and you’re just that good voice of reason and additional perspective, which is really awesome.

Damon Schopen
But I would also say you’ve got to follow Julie on her social media, Instagram, Facebook, because the meal prep and the recipes and the health advice that she shares on there are outstanding. What are some of your favorites?

Julie Endl
And I know eating is only a component of it, but what are some of your favorite recipes that you like to recommend to some of your clients?

Julie Endl
Well, one of the things that for me has just been really powerful are the morning smoothies. Now, if you follow me at all, you know that I do not like greens or lettuce or any kind of fresh greens. And so knowing that as a health coach, that those are super important to get those vital nutrients in your body. And for me as a morning smoothie, I can pack it full of veggies. This morning I had roasted beets in my smoothie and I had kale in there.

Julie Endl
I would never, ever eat kale raw. So I guess for me that morning smoothie is just a great way to kind of get yourself set up for the day. So that’s been something that is really and that changes seasonally for me right now. Beets are in season, so it’ll change when the season changes. So.

Damon Schopen
Very cool. Yeah, for me, beets is something I would never eat. So putting it in a smoothie, that is a great idea and just having that foundation of that first meal of the day.

Damon Schopen
Right. It just.

Julie Endl

Damon Schopen
It gives you that energy gets you going. I did one of your detoxes once and that was just amazing. I got some really great new recipes and just a new mindset. Right. I mean, so much of that is about mindset as well. Absolutely.

Julie Endl
The mindset is is is key.

Julie Endl
And, you know, this morning I talked about on my Instagram a little bit about little victories. And in finding that mindset and just having those little victories and any time you’re down to just go back to that little victory and that feeling that you get when you accomplish something. So so, yeah.

Julie Endl
And setting yourself up in the morning was a great breakfast smoothie, whether it be something else. But for me it’s a smoothie. So it gives you that that foundation for a great day.

Damon Schopen
And there are a lot of options. Right. Smoothies, not the only thing, but that’s a great idea, right?

Julie Endl
Yeah. Yeah.

Damon Schopen
Very cool. Tell us more about making coffee. You want to get to that you have going right.

Julie Endl
So lucky Penny Coffee was it’s a brainchild of my child, Morgan and I, Morgan Endl and I, we are going we purchased a nineteen seventies Shasta camper, so it’s about 14 foot. And she’s at the fabricator right now. Her name is Willow. She came with a nameplate on the front that said, Willow, also she has a name, she has a gender. So Willow is getting remodeled right now and she’s to be finished the first week of September.

Julie Endl
So we’re very excited to get her back and get her finished. But we will be offering espresso drinks, hot and cold and some bakery and, you know, teas, chai tea lattes, that kind of thing.

Julie Endl
And we’re super pumped, obviously, with Covid. This season was a little a little challenging, but we’re going to get our finished and pull out a little bit left of the season. But yeah, so lucky. Penny Coffey is really a passion for both of us. We love coffee and Penny is actually her Vechla dog and our logo has the dog face and it’s a penny. So it’s pretty it kind of came together pretty, pretty cool. So we’re really proud of it and we’re super pumped to get it going.

Damon Schopen
How did this idea come to be?

Julie Endl
We love coffee and we both would we thought of brick and mortar, we thought of opening a coffee shop, but we just like the opportunity to meet different people and to travel around with her and to be able to set our own schedule, which was really enticing for us and just a really blessed as many people as we can and just travel around the state of Wisconsin and maybe it’ll take us out of the state of Wisconsin, we don’t know.

Julie Endl
But to just really get out there and just, you know, brighten people’s day and have a smile on her face and just really have great coffee.

Damon Schopen
So very cool. That’s exciting. Yeah. It’s always exciting to launch that new venture and get it going. A little bit scary also.

Damon Schopen
Yes, but let’s see. So how did you get. Well, I guess we kind of spoke about that, how you got started. That’s excellent. The coffee lovers partnering together to.

Julie Endl
Yes, absolutely.

We we are coffee lovers banding together. That’s true. Excellent.

Julie Endl
So what is your dream? What is the end game, do you think, with your businesses? What do you see in your long term vision for your businesses?

Julie Endl
Yeah, I mean, definitely my long term vision would be which every year, every January one, I sit down and make a vision board for myself. I don’t know if anybody else does this, but it’s in my in my workout room at home and my word for the year, I always find a word for the year too.

Julie Endl
So my work for the year this year was freedom. And so I really would like it to be a solopreeur and just really be working for me and working both of my businesses, actually three businesses solely making enough money to really do that without working outside the businesses and just to be able to serve.

Julie Endl
We’re really about you know, we have a servant heart. We want to serve our community. And that’s really where we’re our we have a very big passion for Jefferson and this community. We’re both obviously born and raised here and we love it here. And so we just really want to get out there.

Damon Schopen
So that’s exciting. And I think that’s really a good thing to touch on is the fact that, you know, starting businesses or starting a business doesn’t mean that you have to instantly quit your your work, your full time or part time job. You know, it’s more of a transition. And that’s great because it allows you to keep having a steady income while you get the business established to get things going. Right. So finding that balance, how do you find the balance between your work, if your job and the work that your businesses?

Julie Endl

Julie Endl
I mean, the perfect balance for me has been a process, right? So there’s been it’s been a process for me to learn. And part of our mastermind group that we’ve had going is really helped in that. Like we’ve brought these like these questions to the table, like I’m struggling like I am.

Julie Endl
I can’t I’m scattered all over. How can I help myself get more streamlined in my in my in my tasks? And so I use some tools. I mean, I think we all use tools that used to be pen and paper. But with your guidance, I’ve really taken that leap and done the the apps.

Julie Endl
I’ve used Trello and some of those tools that will help you organize your tasks and once to get done and using the time blocking time blocking has been huge for me. Just looking I don’t need to think so big, just taken a little bit smaller and make those action steps in smaller chunks.

Julie Endl
And I might have fifteen minutes, but I can do a few things in fifteen minutes or an hour or so, really using your time wisely and blocking out the time and what you need to get done.

Damon Schopen
So yeah, finding the right test to the right amount of time and energy level that you have to write. You could save some of those low energy tasks for later in the day when maybe it’s fresh, but in the morning, OK, I really got to focus on these things because they’re going to take the most brainpower. I want to touch on your vision board, too. That is a great way for setting goals that I think a lot of people don’t think of.

Damon Schopen
When you think of setting goals, you often think about pen to paper or typing on the computer, you know, goal one, goal two, goal three, goal four. But you can set goals in so many different ways. So tell us a little bit more about your vision board and how you create it. What’s on it with that?

Julie Endl
Yeah, so I kind of I sit down and I always save magazines from the year or whatever, and then I set pen to paper and I just say kind of going through like, you know, what are my goals for the year?

Julie Endl
What do I want to see? What what are the big goals for the year? And in just actually pen to paper is such a huge thing because if we write, it is more like. We’re going to happen, right, if we it’s just floating around up here, it may the likelihood of it actually coming to fruition is not very good. So and sometimes those things go on year to year.

Julie Endl
You know, like I’ve been wanting to take a tropical vacation with my husband for ever since we went to Mexico like five years ago. But the cards just haven’t played out that way. But that’s OK. You know, like, go on there. I’m not taking it off. So, you know, debt being debt free. You know, for me, I’ve been working on that for a few years, and I’m super close to being debt free as far as credit card debt.

Julie Endl
And and and that is just something that I take those those those big items. And then I kind of break it down and how I can make that happen. But it’s mostly it’s family. It takes me from family to my businesses to my mindset.

Julie Endl
So it’s basically whatever you feel like you’re ready to accomplish. And then checking back in, I just did it. I’ll just do it like it’s mid-year. I need to be checking back in with it.

Julie Endl
And so just kind of looking to see where things are at.

Damon Schopen
So hard to believe we’re halfway through the year, although sometimes it feels like the years that progressing at all. But I know.

Damon Schopen
Yeah, twenty twenty has been an idea but now that’s very cool. And if you’re a more visual person, the vision I think could definitely be a great tool. That’s awesome. What are some of the mistakes you wish you could have changed in your entrepreneurial journey?

Julie Endl
I think for me, you know, I’ve been kind of being entrepreneurial minded, I’ve kind of jumped into some things that maybe I’ve gone a little bit too quickly in and and spent money I didn’t need to spend.

Julie Endl
But those are learning things right. And you have to not not knock yourself down to just really understand that there’s always learning and any kind of decision that you make. And I just wish I could have been more mindful as far as spending money over the years. But, you know, I’ve learned a ton over the last probably five years when it comes to money. And covid has been an amazing learning for me and understanding that things we don’t need are it’s definitely kind of a check, check and balance sort of thing.

Julie Endl
So I would say financially it’s just been those are the mistakes I’ve made sure definitely

Damon Schopen
I’m right there with you. It’s easy to fall into that trap of some really good marketing or something that maybe you don’t necessarily need. Right. Especially when you’re starting out. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get going. You know, you don’t get that minimal viable product going and just go with it. If it doesn’t feel ready, then you’re fine.

Damon Schopen
It feels right. You probably took too long to even lunch, you know. So just get out there and do it really, right? Absolutely. Absolutely. Let’s take some action.

Damon Schopen
Yeah, right. That. Yep. Action. And not getting the results you want is always better than right. No action at all. Right.

Julie Endl

Damon Schopen
No. That hey, that didn’t work. But now maybe I can go this direction or do this a little more clear.

Damon Schopen
No, that’s definitely something I never want to do again. Right. But now you know which is good.

Julie Endl

Damon Schopen
What is your favorite thing about being a business owner?

Julie Endl
I think the favorite thing for me about being a business owner would be just the flexibility and knowing that I did it like it’s something that’s come from my brain and it’s coming onto paper and then taking it from on the paper, making it happen. And I’ll be I have some things in the works and I’m super excited to get those launched as far as my wellness business. So just really knowing that it’s something that you did yourself, you know, it’s really satisfying and yeah, it’s fun.

Julie Endl
That’s been pretty cool.

Damon Schopen
You can be super rewarding to see those things on the life, right? Yeah. Yeah. Like if you had one piece of advice for someone who was just starting out with their business, what would it be?

Julie Endl
I would say seek advice, seek advice from your peers, seek advice from people you trust.

Julie Endl
It definitely is a safe place here at FOCUS Coworking. And our mastermind group is definitely a group that has been endless support for me and my business. And and so I would say seek some really good get a good core group of advisors that can help you can bounce things off with from people or ideas off and know and receive that feedback without judgment and just know that there just have your best interests at heart sort of thing. Because you guys I mean, in our group, you’ve had said some hard things to me and I know that hard things that needed to be said.

Julie Endl
And it’s it’s like, OK, yeah, you’re right. Like I need to really, you know.

Julie Endl
So it’s been a really good kind of process with the storyline for sure.

Damon Schopen
I think we’ve all had that at the end of the day, just really appreciated the honesty and the other perspective and go, wow, yeah. I never even realized I was doing that or that was happening. Right.

Julie Endl

Damon Schopen
It’s good to have that outside perspective.

Julie Endl

Yeah. And if you’re not even a member of focus, you can be part of the mastermind or if you’re just wanting to bounce ideas off of someone, ask some questions.

Damon Schopen
That’s what this community is for. And again, you don’t have to be a member to just reach out to us. You know, we’re absolutely there.

Damon Schopen
You know, we’ve all had help getting to the point where we are in our businesses and our entrepreneurial journey. And so we want to give that back, you know, and help others along the way.

Julie Endl

Julie Endl
That’s great. What is your favorite book? I’m going to throw a curveball at you.

Julie Endl
I just finished not too long ago. covid has gave me some time to read. Yeah. So I finished on team by Glenn and Doyle, and that is a very good read for someone who is kind of looking for some some personal growth and a way to kind of just kind of have a different perspective on, you know, where you’re at. And so I would definitely recommend the The Untamed book by Glenn and Doyle.

Damon Schopen
OK, right. And my last question for you. What is your favorite thing about FOCUS Coworking? Community, my favorite thing about FOCUS Coworking is the people, the people that are here, the just the power and just the the power and the knowledge that everyone has here. It’s just been it’s so great.

Julie Endl
And it’s also really pretty here. It’s a great place to work. As you can see here right now.

Damon Schopen

Damon Schopen
Well, if you want more information about either of Julie’s businesses, Lucky Penny Coffee or her health coaching, be sure to reach out. We will have some links to her social media and contact info. And or you can contact FOCUS will be happy to connect you. And thanks for watching and thanks for your time, Julie.

Julie Endl
Thanks, Damon.

Julie Endl
All right. Bye bye.


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